Letter #2 "Wake up call"

Hey you!

Yeah, you.You listen to me, and you listen real good. I'm fed up with all the crappy lies, the pain, the sheer sorrow of trying.
It stops now. I don't care if the weather says differently, if I don't want it to rain, then dammit, my sun is going to shine! And if you think your world is collapsing, think again, because it could be oh so much worse than you think!
You hate yourself? Great job, but guess what, you're probably the only one! Other people care about you! Oh, you did something to make them mad? Then get of that lazy ass and start making things right!

I don't care do you believe in God or not, he ain't helping you clean up your own mess! You don't have the strength? Find it! The only person responsible for you is you! You had bad luck in your life? No shit! We all have ups and downs, it's the way you deal with them that counts!

You dream of a better life? Stop dreaming! Go do it! It won't grow legs and come itself! Wake up call!
You're waiting for a sign? Here's a sign for you:
Happy? Enough with the excuses, and enough with giving up! Even trying counts!
This is not a mellowy, cutesy letter. This is a rude wake up call.
So wake up.


Letter #1 "Memories"

My most perfect,

I remember the day I met you, I remember the wish you made while we were looking at the stars together, when we didn't even know each others names. But it didn't matter. It never mattered. Words were not worthy. They simplified a thousand times that what we wanted to say.

I remember your hair was messed up with some leaves and grass. You looked so beautiful. The city beneath us was wrapped in mist, and it was like we were above the skies, in heaven or some place similar. I know you never liked the idea of heaven. You said it makes people less interested to find peace in this world.

But the scene is what matters. Two of us, two complete strangers, both feeling a soul mate nearby. We sat for hours. You were looking at the stars, and I was looking at you. That night, you were missing someone. Not only could I see it in your eyes, but you told me something I will never forget for as long as I live.

"You know why I love looking up? It's because when I miss someone, no matter how far they are, we are both looking at the same sky. And I know that if he looks up right now, he will see the same thing I see. So after all, we're not all that far away."

Your big round eyes then fell on me. Oh, dearest, every time you would look at me it is as if you see me the first time, but that night... I remember falling. I was falling for so long, but I wasn't afraid because I knew you would be there to catch me. I fell. I fell in love. I fell for you.
You had such a beautiful smile, I wish I could see it again, but...

I know you can't remember what happened an hour ago, so I won't ask you to remember something fifty years ago. My love, all I want you to do is keep this letter. Because I won't be here anymore to tell you how much I love you. I won't be able to take you to the garden every night to watch the stars with you and enjoy your perfect view of the world through your innocent, child-like eyes.

I must go now. You will be fine, and we will meet again. We will be young again, in a special place, just you and me, looking at the stars. Keep dreaming love, and whenever you miss me, just remember, we're both looking at the same sky.

Forever yours,

The one never completely worthy

 - Madame, you have a letter.
 - Oh? Who's it from?
 - It's from your husband.
 - Really? I didn't know I have a husband. What's he like?
 - I am afraid... He's no longer with us. But, he asked me to take you outside, to see the stars.
 - Stars, you say? I like stars. I remember once, when I was young, I watched stars with a beautiful man. I don't remember his name, though... Did you know, child, that when you miss someone, you need only to look at the sky? It is because......


Will you?

Will you hold my hand when I need guidance?
Will you keep me warm when I shake with winter. Will you give me a present just for me? Will you remember my name forever?
Will you never cease to tell me how beautiful I am? Will you stay awake with me when I can't sleep? Will you tell me a story and play me a song when I am bored?
Will you do whatever it takes to make me smile? Will you tell me the truth, even when you think I don't want to hear it? Will you never let me think bad of myself?
Will you be there for me?
Will you see a flower and think of me?
Will you keep the memory of me when I'm not there anymore?
Will you wipe my tears away? Will you call my name in the dense mist? Will you carry me when I can't stand? Will you speak for me when I lose my voice? Will you force me to look when I lose the will?
Will you never leave me, even if I ask it of you?
When I scream at you, tell you I hate you, push you away... Will you come back?

Someone... Anyone...

Will you give me all, no matter the price?

Because it is when you will, that I will never ask you to. And it is only when I know you will never ask all of me, that I will give you exactly that.

Will you?
