Random Connections

Shards of broken glass, covered by red wine. The whole bottle was in pieces. I was still holding my glass in my hands, though there was no one to share with. No one to call a toast. The place was heavy with the memories of people who were there not so long ago. And none of my many cameras could take a picture of them now.

I close the book. I've finished it. I didn't want to read about the author. I don't care. They told me all they wanted through their characters. I lived the story they wrote, so I know them.
I didn't like the last sentence of the book. And I think those are important. It ended with her buying a pair of shoes. Green shoes. I don't like green, I'd prefer red.
But red wine comes in green bottles.

My dark green shoes are in perfect contrast with the brown leaves surrounding them. Looking at them, i wish they were a pretty picture, one people would put up as a desktop background. But I don't own a camera, I could never afford such a thing. And I don't have a photographer for a friend who would  take the picture for me. I like those shoes. They inspired my last book. Though, I was never really sure if I ended it right.



A normal family is one with two parents and a child or two.
Normal girls have long hair, and boys short.
Normal houses have red roofs and square windows.
Normal relationships are when a boy and a girl hold hands and kiss.
Normally you should put makeup to the point where you don't look like yourself anymore.
It's normal for girls to do everything and take off as much clothes as possible to get attention of men.
God forbid a girl speaks her mind and does anything except for looking good.
It's normal to hate books and learning.
It's normal to praise money above everything else.

That's what THEY say.

Well I say no.
I say money is dirty and I don't want it.
I'm as glad as I can be to have the opportunity to read and to learn.
I wish women were equal with men. And that we would all realize that they are.
It's normal to accept yourself as you are.
It doesn't matter if those in love are the same gender. Nor do they live next door or a thousand miles away.
Things and people should have the chance to look and feel like they want, without being judged.
A family are the people closest to you.

That's what I say.
And if you think differentlly
Then to you,

I don't want to be normal.
