
They say the sunrise is the most beautiful thing one can see.
I often disagree.
I want to see the tears in a parent's eyes while he watches his firstborn get his diploma, holding the camera in shaky hands - the same hand that use to cradle his tiny baby's head while he was burdening his mind thinking will they eat tomorrow.

I want to see pain a lover hides from his other when he hears she's going away. Because real love hurts.

I want to see the freedom of a girl finally finding the courage to dress her wrong-gender body in a dress.

I want to see the joy on a child's face when they pick up the first fruit from the tree they had planted with their parents, realizing they have a purpose and are able to create something so beautiful.

I want to see the face of my other half that follows the words "I love you".

I think compared to all of that, a sunrise is nothing special. But I would like to see it.

Sometimes, I really wish I wasn't blind.



Sometimes, we're just fools. Sometimes, we would sacrifice everything we have for one thing that seem important in a single moment. Sometimes we would risk everything for a single glance. Because when you put it down, that is what it's all about.

We worry so much about the future, that we don't focus on the present. And then spend the future wishing we could change the past. It's not fair that life doesn't have a tutorial. It just throws you in the fire and lets you get about on your own. Good luck, fools.

And not every story has a happy ending. But life isn't a story. Life is a compilation, almost a series of many stories. Some of those stories last a few moments, some last for decades. Some are so important they blur out everything else, and some overlap.

Dear fool, we write our own stories.
What are you gonna do about it?
