One of Those Nights

This is just one of those nights.
I know it's gonna be a hard one. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up until tomorrow. I want to go to sleep and not wake up until every last child has stopped crying. Until there's not a man in the world thirsty. Until there is not one person in pain and misery.
I want to go to sleep and not wake up until this world is perfect. Not wake up until every broken heart is mended and every soul finds its' way through the world and through life.
That would be a night that would never come to an end.
How can I go to sleep when I know there is a child crying, a man thirsty and people in pain? How can I sleep while this world remains so imperfect, while there are hearts broken and souls lost?
What is the point in sleeping then? When I know I'll wake up to the same world I left behind the previous day?

But I won't give up. I'll wake up tomorrow and help mend a broken heart. I will put a smile on someone's face. I will start the day knowing that I can make a difference. Knowing I MUST make a difference.

So I can lie in bed tonight sure that tomorrow will be a better day than today. Knowing tomorrow the world will be a bit more perfect. Knowing that someone, somewhere, is doing the same thing I am. Knowing someone out there is fighting to see the same day I want to see.

"We can't help everyone, but anyone can help someone."


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